Tuesday 17 January 2012

Exhaustion like never before!

Where to start? Another week or 2 has flown by since I last updated.
Firstly, an update on our charity home - I've been spending more time with one of the community girls who in my previous blog was starting to lift her head up more. This week she fed herself fruit independently, which i felt was great progress. In our "physio sessions" she's starting to use her arms more and her sitting balance is improving. I've also met with an English physio who visits here once a week. This was a great chance to have a chat about some of the kids. We're hoping to start some hydrotherapy sessions soon, when the weather gets warmer. It's too cold for thais at the moment!

I've changed my week structure a bit now to spend more time at the girl's home. We took out 3 girls for lunch last week, which was nice for them to get a bit of sunshine and a break from the ward. We'll be taking 3 different ones tomorrow and then each thursday. We've also planned trips to the swimming pool and for ice-cream. We're taking different girls each week for the next few weeks, starting next week as we have to give the government 2 weeks notice for permission. For those of you interested in getting involved, this is where money is appreciated. To take the girls out of the wards is such a wonderful thing to do.

Now as some of you know there has been a bit of a headlice incident, as in I had quite an extensive infestation. However, for now it seems under control. I only found 1 earlier which is quite acceptable compared to last week! It's not surprising as we do regular nit combing on the wards, but the alternative is the beautiful girl's heads are shaved. So for me it's totally worth, as my hair's not at risk of being shaved.

One evening after work we went to a local very western shopping centre complete with M&S! Excitement was high as we entered the food section, only to see the prices triple what they are at home. In baht that's definitely beyond what volunteers can afford. However it was good to get some air con and we even saw some other westerners which was a novelty! On saturday we went to our favourite restaurant Cabbages and Condoms, with 2 short-term volunteers who have finished now. On monday it was my birthday (the second one i've spent in Thailand funnily enough!). I had really lovely day. Our kitchen was decorated with birthday banners and some of the girls got up early to sing as i came down the stairs and then again when everyone else was up too! I was at the girl's home so got some cake for them and we did hand painting. In the evening we went to a local restaurant by the river with most of the volunteers followed by birthday dairy queen! Then when we got home our new neighbour (who works in a bakery) came round with cake they had left over! After work yesterday we went for thai massage at the local blind school, less than 3 pounds for an hour and a half of massage/pain. Next time i'll be sure to clarify soft massage!

Just wanted to thank all of you who sent me stuff (for the kids and me!) and donated money. It is so so truely appreciated and helps remind us we're not on our own out here. If anyone has anything you think might be useful let me know as it probably will be! Email me at gemanne83@hotmail.com for our address as i can't put it on here. In particular if anyone has any spare swimming costumes (girls are needed more than boys but boys still useful) that would be great. It's difficult to find good quality swim wear here. Finally, calling all medical people!! Any "spare" dressings, particularly pressure sore ones would be amazing! Pressure sores are a real problem on the wards and again supplies here at scarce. Thank you!!

So I'll leave it there for this update, hope all is well with everyone!

Lots of love Gemma xxx

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